
Sunday, October 16, 2011

New Me Day 1

I recently had a friend tell me he needed to re-evaluate things because he was "blah". We talked about it for a while and I started thinking about my life. My life is really good right now. My family, my job, our ward and stake are incredible, I even love our new town. But there is one thing that I would change. I haven't been taking good care of my body. I don't drink or smoke, but I have been eating out waaaaaaaay more than I should and eating a ton of junk food. I haven't been exercising or doing anything active at all. I know that if I take the time to take better care of myself then I'll be happier and that translates to a happier family.

Because of this I've decided to set a goal: Get Healthy and Stay Healthy. I know this isn't going to be easy. There's going to be a lot of mistakes and backtracking. It's the "stay healthy" part of this goal I'm worried about. This is a lifelong change I want to make. There will be a lot of steps along the way. Here's what I've come up with so far. 
  • Exercise at least 4 times a week.
    • Focus on Cardio right now because that's the fat burner. Add weights into the routine in a couple of months.
  • Learn how to eat healthy.
    • I know the basics, eat fruits and veggies, grains that kind of thing, but when it comes to making a whole meal, I freeze. Hence, the step below.
    • No more eating out on weekdays. Only eat out once a weekend.
  • Be kind to myself. 
    • This is the most important step. There are going to be bad days. Days that are busy and there isn't enough time and days where I just feel crappy. That's okay. This is a lifelong journey that I'm starting today. I'm not going to be perfect and that's okay.
This list will grow and evolve as I do on this journey but it's a start. I've decided to document my journey here (which absolutely terrifies me!) every Saturday. This is a really hard post to put out there, mostly because everyone that reads this blog right now knows me and has heard about a million of declarations like this from me over the years. I imagine you reading this and rolling your eyes right now. But I started this blog to put myself out there, as an outlet for me to share my thoughts and my experiences. So that's what I'm doing. Here's to Day 1!

*BEWARE* Scary Day 1 pictures below!!

1 comment:

  1. Your goals are my goals only I haven't acted on them yet. :(
    I love your bathroom! :)


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